Admission Prices


Adult:    $32.00
Child:   $22.00 (3 to 15 under 3 free)
Senior: $30.00 (must present an Australian Senior Card)
Family $96.00 (2 adults & 2 Children 3 to 15)

Companion Card- 1 companion plus 1 cardholder $32 card (must be presented, not on a phone)  Please note this will not be excepted on the day of the train ride experience only. Only available on days the park is fully operational.

TRAIN RIDE ONLY (please see select dates at the end of January)

Adult $20

Child $15 (3to 15)

No concession/ Senior cards accepted

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Annual pass

As of 18/9/24 annual passes will not be sold until further notice.

We see great changes coming to our operations in 2025 and don't want to mislead people.

The park is embarking on a new direction.
